The influence of stray inductance of storage capacitor and load capacitance on transients in high voltage facil-ities with pulse transformers


  • Ivan Kostiukov Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", Ukraine


Ключові слова:

characteristic polynomial, mutual inductance, Laplace transform


High voltage facilities based on gaining of voltage pulses by means of applying various types of pulse transformers are widely used in various engineering applications. Such high voltage facilities can be used for the elaboration of particle accelerators and in practice of forming pulses of high voltage for the purposes of electrical equipment testing. Technical characteristics of such high voltage facilities are significantly influenced by the technical characteristics of applied pulse transformer and, therefore, by the parameters of applied equivalent scheme of pulse transformer. Requirements to the obtained time dependencies of formed voltage pulses that arise in practice of testing high voltage insulation by applying pulses of high voltage demand to take into consideration the influence of parasitic parameters of equivalent scheme. This paper presents the results of consideration of the influence of parasitic inductances of storage capacitor and capacitance of tested object on currents in primary and secondary windings of pulse transformer. The influence of stray inductance on time dependence of voltage on load capacitance of tested object of control, as well as on time dependence of voltage on capacitance of storage capacitor is also considered. According to the results of carried out simulations, the inevitable parasitic inductance of tested object has more significant effect on time dependence of voltage on load capacitance than the parasitic inductance of storage capacitor.


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Як цитувати

Kostiukov, I. (2020). The influence of stray inductance of storage capacitor and load capacitance on transients in high voltage facil-ities with pulse transformers. Вісник НТУ «ХПІ». Серія: Проблеми удосконалювання електричних машин I апаратiв. Теорiя I практика, 3(1), 43–46.



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